Why sports and business will forever be each other’s companion

Tyler T. Tysdal knows just how much potential the sports industry has for entrepreneurs. There are dozens of avenues to pursue, from athlete management to event organizing to sports merchandise sales to memorabilia brokerage, to even personal training and gambling.
Image source: shsu.edu

Billions of people in the world love sports, and a huge chunk of this group are looking to make money out of it. The fact that the global sports industry is ever-expanding only creates more entrepreneurial opportunities for business-minded people. This is why sports and business are a match made in heaven.

Anyone studying sports management will tell you just how business figures in a sport. With passionate fans willing to pay top dollar for anything that has to do with their favorite teams, companies that own teams, sponsor events, and sell sports apparel will never run out of customers
Image source: sagu.edu
And as mentioned earlier, there’s the personal side of the sporting business that’s off-tangent (or sometimes tangential) from official sporting competitions. This is where people who play sports themselves (for leisure) buy equipment, apparel, and goods such as power drinks and food supplements, explains Tyler T. Tysdal.

Then there are places such as sports bars and gyms, where lovers of sports congregate to talk about their favorite teams and activities, and again provide a deep market for many entrepreneurs.
Tyler T. Tysdal is a Managing Director of BrandJourney Capital and Mantucket Capital. His investment background includes venture capital, buyouts, restructurings, hedge funds, real estate, public financings and several entrepreneurial ventures. For more articles like this, visit this page


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